- Training Grants
- Joint Doctoral Program
- Infectious Diseases Fellowship
The Joint Doctoral Program (JDP) in Public Health between UC San Diego and SDSU Global Health track. Students have the opportunity to obtain a PhD degree in public health with a concentration in global health. This program is co-directed by Dr. Angela Bazzi at UC San Diego and Dr. Elizabeth Reed at SDSU, who has a joint appointment with UC San Diego.
If you are interested in mentoring opportunities, or learning more about the JDP, contact:
Carrie Goldsmith
In 1981, Tijuana's Universidad Autonoma de Baja California (UABC) School of Medicine began a series of academic and research field trips to rural regions in Baja California and Sonora, Mexico. These trips are an integral part of the academic curriculum for 1st and 2nd year UABC medical students. In 1998, faculty and students from the University of California San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine and San Diego State University (SDSU) Graduate School of Public Health partnered with UABC and expanded these trips to provide students with hands-on clinical experience as well as applied public health research and practice. The collaboration was named VIIDAI: Viaje Interinstitucional de Integracion, Docente, Asistencia y de Investigacion (Inter-institutional Retreat for Integration, Teaching, Assistance and Investigation). VIIDAI is an integrated clinical and public health experience for U.S. and Mexican medical and graduate students. Faculty and student teams spend 3 days in San Quintin, Baja California, Mexico, address common clinical and public health problems in underserved populations. Students take part in activities ranging from clinical practice, to survey research, to health promotion and education. Cross-cultural exchange is an integral component of this course.
Instructor: TBD | Offered: TBD
This course is designed to give students an introduction to the major forms of gender inequities and how they affect the health of populations across the globe. Through lectures, classroom discussion sessions and assignments, students will develop skills needed to understand the scope, nature and health impacts of gender inequities, as well as those needed to plan, implement and evaluate interventions to prevent/reduce such inequities. My hope is that students who have completed this course will be prepared to undertake meaningful scholarly, programmatic or policy work in this emerging and growing subfield of public health and international development.
Instructor: TBD | Offered: TBD
This writing circle is for postdocs and junior faculty (and PhD students, with permission from the facilitators). The principal goals of this Writing Circle are to:
This Writing Circle will prepare participants to perform peer-review and to think critically. In weekly discussion sessions, we will review each other's work, bring work to edit and share. Feedback will be given by faculty peers and course master.
Instructors: TBD | Offered: TBD
This course will provide an overview of global health as a field of research and practice, with an emphasis on use of surveillance and research methods to understand health and determinants of health, evidence-based program development and evaluation of programs in the field, and engagement with governments and advocacy groups to elicit evidence-based policy change. Topics of focus will prioritize infectious diseases, maternal child health, substance use and gender-based violence, as case examples of global health research and programmatic approaches.
Instructor: TBD | Offered: TBD
Graduate-level qualitative research methods (submit syllabus to instructor for approval). If students have not taken a graduate level qualitative research methods course, they should register simultaneously for MED296 (Davidson; 2 units), which will provide an orientation to qualitative methods.
Prerequisite: PH628 (Multivariate Statistics) or similar multivariate statistics or biostatistics course, subject to instructor approval (students should submit syllabus to instructors for approval).
Instructor: Dr. Samm Hurst | Offered: Spring
This three-quarter series focuses on Mexican migration and health issues relevant to both sending communities in Mexico and receiving communities in Southern California, U.S. The Fall Quarter (FPM289A) involves a two-unit course on Mexican migration, health topics related to migration and field research methods that prepares students for fieldwork conducted in the Winter Quarter. In the Winter Quarter (FPM289B) students typically conduct fieldwork (i.e. application of quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews) in Mexico and/or in Southern CA regions with high concentrations of Mexican migrant communities. Interested students must be able to participate in both A and B. The optional Spring Quarter (FPM 289C) involves working in small groups to analyze field data and develop a scientific manuscript that is suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. The course is designed for students in the Joint Doctoral Program in Global Health and Master's level students at UC San Diego.
Instructor: TBD | Offered: TBD
Health Frontiers in Tijuana is a new elective where UC San Diego Medical students will learn about many of the joys and challenges of community medicine and healthcare of the underserved in Mexico becoming an active participant in the student-run Health Frontiers in Tijuana free- clinic project. Students enrolled in this course will learn about the Mexican Health Care Systems, community partners in Tijuana and will play various roles under faculty supervision, including that of binational health care provider, community advocate, health educator, clinic administrator and global public health researcher.
Prerequisite: 1st or 2nd year Medical Students
Instructor: TBD | Offered: TBD | Course Website: Global Health Institute Joint Doctoral Program
KPBS Article: UCSD Will Open Student-Run Health Clinic In Tijuana
The sociocultural, economic, and geo-political framework for the study and understanding of medical problems on a worldwide scale, and as basis for international health policy is presented. Using global patterns of disease, availability and needs for medical technology, and comparisons between diverse medical education and health care delivery systems abroad with those in the United States, students should be able to acquire an understanding of diverse determinants of disease and of relationships between socioeconomic development and health.
Prerequisite: Medical or graduate student; senior-level undergraduate students by special permission
Instructor: TBD | Offered: TBD
The U.S. is characterized by significant ethnic and cultural diversity due to historic and ongoing immigration. The purpose of this course is to examine issues related to ethnic and cultural diversity and how culture may impact health beliefs, health status, and utilization of health services. The course examines issues faced by health providers and researchers who work with diverse populations in domestic or international settings. We will also explore the concept of cultural competence and how it may be achieved. Relevant socio-cultural theories will also be addressed. We will employ several strategies to accomplish these objectives including didactic studies, student-centered learning, and case studies. Students will prepare a final paper and present findings to colleagues and invited instructors.
Prerequisite: Required course for JDP students in Global Health, medical student, graduate student, or consent of instructor
Instructor: Dr. Kiyomi Tsuyuki | Offered: Fall
In 1981, Tijuana's Universidad Autonoma de Baja California (UABC) School of Medicine began a series of academic and research field trips to rural regions in Baja California and Sonora. These trips are now an integral part of the academic curriculum for 1st and 2nd year medical students. In 1998, the original faculty team expanded the agenda for these trips, and named the project VIIDAI: Viaje Interinstitucional de Integracion, Docente, Asistencia y de Investigacion (Retreat for Educational Integration, Assistance and Investigation). Trips involve a combination of hands-on clinical experience as well as public health research and practice. Students can take part in activities ranging from clinical practice, to survey research, to health promotion and education. Cross-cultural exchange is an integral component of this course. Competency in Spanish is not required, but adds significantly to the student's experience. This course requires the student to attend the 3-day (Friday-Sunday) trip to San Quintin, plus one orientation meeting at UABC in Tijuana on a Saturday prior to the trip.
Prerequisite: Elective course for UC San Diego medical students. JDP students in Global Health may enroll on a space-available basis with consent of the instructor.
Instructor: TBD | Offered: TBD | Course Website: VIIDAI
This second quarter of a three quarter sequence combines didactic instruction, interactive sessions and student presentations. Topics cover study design, ethics, data analysis and management techniques, and qualitative research will be presented. Focus: lectures (different from I or III).
Prerequisite: Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health graduate student, FPM 258A.
Instructor: TBD | Offered: TBD