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Academic Partners

Tailored Antibacterials & Innovative Laboratories for phage (Φ) Research

tailor logoA Baylor College of Medicine initiative empowering clinicians with capable antibacterials to treat the most vulnerable patients.

Tailored Antibacterials & Innovative Laboratories for phage Research (TAILOR) is a non-profit initiative providing at-cost services designed to help the most pressing medical and industrial needs that are threatened by bacterial infection or contamination.

The TAILOR team strives to provide:

  • Safe, targeted antibacterial products that are thoroughly characterized and documented.
  • Quantitative and reproducible results that can be trusted and verified.
  • Transparent collaborations with a team-like culture that meet the specific needs the project requires.

Center for Phage Technology at Texas A&M

cpt-logo.pngAs the only state-funded phage research institute in the United States, the Center for Phage Technology (CPT) is dedicated to be a world leader in advancing phage therapy in the modern world. Discover how we move the field forward with both basic and applied research.

Rowher & Wegley Kelly Lab at San Diego State University 

sdsu-logo.jpgRowher & Wegley Kelly Lab at San Diego State University research is focused around understanding the interactions between the microbial world and coral reefs, and how these systems change following perturbation.

They are currently investigating the dynamics of bacteria, phage, and eukaryotic viruses in the respiratory tracts of individuals with and without Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Characterization of viral communities coupled with microbial transcriptomics and viral metagenomics will allow a better understanding of how the unique environment of the CF airway drives microbial and viral specialization and vice versa.

The Center for Nano-ImmunoEngineering

ucsd-jacobs-logo.jpgIn collaboration with their industry partners, The Center for Nano-ImmunoEngineering develops bio-inspired materials and technologies to activate, program, and reinstate optimal immune system function.

Their research portfolio, which extends from basic science to translational research, includes:

  • Nanoparticles that go undetected
  • Enhanced immune responses
  • Plant viruses and phages for human health
  • Vaccine patches and delivery systems
  • Materials science
  • Immuno engineering
  • Computational and analytical immunology