ID Fellowship Curricula
Core Didactics
Fellows attend a monthly half day didactic session over two years that covers a variety of clinical ID topics. Didactics are taught by faculty within our ID and Global Public Health division, senior fellows, other experts at UC San Diego and within the San Diego ID community.
Grand Rounds
Fellows attend weekly ID Grand Rounds. ID Fellows from UC San Diego or San Diego Naval Medical Center give a Case Conference presentation during the first half of ID Rounds. The second half of the conference is reserved for research talks, journal clubs, quality improvement conferences, COVID-19 updates, and outside guest speakers.
Fellows complete the Microbiology Curriculum during their first year of fellowship. Micro Rounds at the Center for Advanced Laboratory Medicine (CALM) are held for one hour three days per week during inpatient consult service rotations. The Micro Faculty teach core Microbiology content through a variety of didactics and review active cases on which the fellows are often consulted. At the VA, fellows attend Micro Rounds in-person at the VA Micro Lab onsite. Fellows also participate in a 2-week intensive Microbiology Laboratory rotation in which they rotate at various benches in the Micro Labs at UC San Diego and the VA in the morning, followed by didactics in the afternoon.
Fellows complete the HIV curriculum during their second year of fellowship when they begin their HIV primary care continuity clinic at either the Owen Clinic or the Special Infectious Diseases (SPID) clinic at the VA. During their HIV continuity clinic, fellows assume the role of primary care provider for a panel of 30-40 patients living with HIV. Fellows also have the opportunity to rotate in any of the HIV subspecialty clinics (PrEP clinic, gender affirming care clinic, Medication Assisted Treatment clinic, HIV/HCV co-infection clinic, High resolution anoscopy clinic, Women's HIV clinic, Adolescent clinic, Lipid clinic).
STewaRdship and Infection PrevEntion (STRIPE)
First-year ID fellows spend 6 weeks at the VA on our VA STRIPE (STewaRdship and Infection PrevEntion rotation). During this rotation, fellows attend a variety of multidisciplinary clinics and rounds and work with on quality improvement and patient safety projects. Fellows will learn the leadership and administrative skills that are critical for careers in Antimicrobial Stewardship, Infection Prevention, and Hospital Epidemiology. Fellows also have the opportunity for self-directed learning activities based on their interests and self-identified educational needs utilizing nationally renowned curricula.
Solid Organ Transplant (SOT)
Clinician educator fellows whose area of emphasis is Transplant ID participate during their second year of fellowship. Fellows rotate for 3 months on the Onc ID service and 3 months on the SOT ID service during their second year, and attend the SOT or Onc ID clinic when they are not on inpatient service. Fellows participate in transplant ID journal club and attend weekly transplant committee meetings while on service. Fellows work with Transplant ID Core faculty to develop a scholarly transplant ID project.
Fellows in the Research Track participate in the research curriculum during their second and third year of fellowship. Fellows work with their research mentor, T32 faculty, and the fellowship program leadership to customize an individual curriculum to support their research development and success. Many fellows take advantage of the Clinical Research Enhancement Through Supplemental Training (CREST) courses which are free for research fellows. Research fellows also attend career development training sessions, journal clubs and works-in-progress sessions.
Medical Education
All second or third year fellows are eligible to participate in the Medical Education Course for Internal Medicine Subspecialty Fellows at UC San Diego (Fellow As Clinician Educator- FACE). This yearlong course consists of a four half-day didactic sessions as well as a experiential component in which fellows teach in a variety of settings. Fellows also have the option to participate in a medical education scholarly project.