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Combined Med/Peds ID Fellowship at UCSD/RCHSD

The Pediatric and Adult ID Divisions at UCSD have a close relationship, including numerous educational, clinical and research collaborations. Under the leadership of Dr. Nancy Law and Dr. Chris Cannavino, we have developed a robust 4-year Combined Med/Peds ID Fellowship Program that provides outstanding training and allows fellows to sit for both the Pediatric and Adult ID boards. We currently have 4 combined Med/Peds fellows in our fellowship program.

Application Information

To apply to the Combined Med/Peds ID Fellowship program at UCSD, applicants should apply to both the Pediatric ID Fellowship and the Adult ID Fellowship programs in ERAS. Of note, applicants should apply to the “research” track on the adult side to meet all fellowship requirements. Applicants will then interview with both the Pediatric and Adult ID Fellowship programs (including attendance at one of our combined Med/Peds Case Conferences). Applicants should list both programs on their rank list and can match with either program (which will determine which side they start on in year one).

Sample Combined Med/Peds Schedule

schedule year 1

schedule year 2

schedule year 3

schedule year 4

Useful Links

Pediatric Infectious Disease Fellowship